Assistant Professor
Dr. Kong's research interests are Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Social Media Analytics, and Smart Environment. More specifically, he works on video understanding algorithms for action recognition, visual forecasting, image super-resolution, object detection and tracking, and machine learning algorithms for robust decision making including meta-learning, active learning, multi-modal learning, and transfer learning.
Video Language Modeling / Visual Forecasting
Open-world Vision / 3D Vision / Uncertainty in AI
Video Language Modeling / Video Anomaly
Embodied AI / Noisy Label
Gait recognition / Multi-modality Learning
DeepFake Detection
Action Localization
Generative AI
Trajectory Prediction
Generative AI
MSU Master
MSU Master
MSU Undergraduate
MSU Undergraduate
PhD Student (RIT)
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
KidsTopia Playground
University of Connecticut
Beijing Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology
UC Irvine
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Beihang University